Daily Dose of Information

Book Choice Four

three people group

Forbidden fruit...
Reed, Noelle, and former Billings Girls Kiran and Taylor have been living it up on St. Barths over winter break. The tropical sun has melted away all the tensions of last semester, and for the first time in months, Reed is happy. She's got her best friends by her side, she has a palatial suite with an ocean view, and she's landed Upton, the most sought-after guy on the island.
Reed is falling in love.
But dating Upton makes Reed St. Barths' highest-profile guest -- and not in a good way. Upton has a dark past, and he's broken a lot of hearts. One of his exes still wants him. And she'll do whatever it takes to get Reed out of the picture.

three people group

Book Choice Three

only eight people in this group.

Prince Horace can be spoiled and, craving attention from his father, he frequently misbehaves-to the point he is nicknamed "Prince Brat." Since he is a prince, no one may raise a hand against him. Therefore, his family provides him with a whipping boy, Jemmy, an orphaned boy who will be punished in the prince's stead.

eight people only.

Book Choice Two

two people only.

A boy and his friends question the motives of a woman (Journeyer Weaver) who forces them to dig holes at a detention camp. 

two people only.

Book Choice One

two people only.

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas Summary. In The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, Bruno meets a young Jewish boy named Samuel, a prisoner in Auschwitz. After disguising himself as a prisoner in "striped pajamas," Bruno is killed along with Samuel when they're herded into the gas chambers. 

There can be a group of two.


How we will do it.

This week and forward we will be reading either the whipping boy, the boy in the striped pajamas, holes suspicion, etc. but we will divide the groups into a genre and they can all agree on one book or whoever chooses the same book is in the same group.

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